Friday, April 3, 2009

Through the Lens of the Savior

Christ Eyes by Mike Lewis
In my struggle to live a holy and Godly life, I have to reconcile that fact that there are times, that I fall short of the righteousness that God designed. I miss the mark. I often try my best to propagate a better image for myself by helping at the local church, being submissive to my wife’s “honey-do” list, praying “without ceasing”, reading random scriptures in the Bible and a myriad of other things. But as much as I try to be righteous in my human frailty and sinfulness, I know that my desperate attempts are “as but filthy rags to God’s (all-encompassing, never-tainted, stand-alone) righteousness.” (emphasis added) (Is 64:6) Thus there in lies my conundrum of how I live a sanctified life and live according to the standard that pervades the words of Jesus through the Apostle Peter; “Be Holy because I am Holy.” (1 Peter 1: 16)

Being Holy or perfect is more than actions that we attempt or duties that we perform. It is more about God’s character than ours. Those who are found in Christ Jesus as disciples and followers of his truths and his ways, are made holy in his life. In other words, because we are associated with Jesus and his truths, we are made perfect by his declaration of being God’s son. Our acts of righteousness are examples of obedience to his ways and commandments thus performing worship in all aspects of our life, not just in a sanctuary or temple. We are sanctified because Jesus is sanctified. Just our association with the name of the Savior, gives us the stamp of approval from God as fully sanctified. (II Corinthians 5: 21) We don’t become unsanctified if we don’t live the hallmarks of our faith, but we are pleasing Him with aromatic fragrances when we do carry out our faith in works of righteousness. We are declared Holy, not of our own volition, but because of his eternal position as God, in that, he sees us through the lens of Jesus.

I don’t know how he does it, but Jesus reconciles us to himself, not that we may claim the victory in the His washing but that he may display his power in our cleaning. It is not that we cannot mold ourselves into Christ’ self and try to live better and noble. But we often are nothing more than street rats groping along into the city of golden paths. We are beggars in the palace of His glorified presence but he calls us his friends. We are no longer slaves or servants but friends, children of God, heirs to the kingdom. We have this security in knowing that we brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing with us.

It is the same with our spiritual life, we bring nothing to help us in our salfivic destiny or priestly ministry but who we are at that particular moment of grace. God brings the rest. He brings his A-game while we just bring our failed attempt at the alphabet. Nothing should keep us from wanting to be the best. However, we don’t need to pressure ourselves into believing that we should not even try because our works don’t match our want-to. It isn’t a matter of frustrating ourselves to the point of just apathy and giving up, not even trying to serve God; but that we must give our efforts and cares over to him.
“Cast your cares upon me”, Jesus said, “for I care for you. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” His yoke is light? Didn’t he have the entire weight of the world upon him on the cross? How can he say that? While, I can’t understand, I must believe.

So, the next time God calls you to action, in the church- out of the church - in your home or out of your home, don’t let your feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness consternate your knowing of what should be done. Satan wants to make us believe that we are not good enough, not clean enough, not sanitary enough to sit at God’s table, to work at his kingdom work, but we are, Just like Mephiposheth sat at King David’s table, a crippled grandson of Saul, son of David’s good friend Jonathan, we too should take our Place at King Jesus’ table and let our handicap not do so anymore. We should not be restricted by our own feelings of guilt and shame but let us take on that which God has called us to do: To work out our faith with "fear and trembling" while being received with grace at the master’s banqueting table.

God is not looking for the best and brightest or those who have their lives all put together nicely. because most of the time, those people don’t think they need help. Just like the Pharisees, those people think they are already righteous in their own eyes because they don’t have the stench of sickness around them or a handicap that cripples them or a secret sin that gnaws on their spirit. But God is looking for the willing more than those who seem to have it all together. We don’t have to be trained or equipped, but called. The disciples were trained to be fishermen and they left that behind, without any seminary, without any former training, without being raised in the church or attending every Sunday school. It wasn't there background, nor training-they were affluent in the waves not yet in the one that saves. They knew Cod, But they didn’t know God. Jesus said, “Come and I will make you fishers of men” God never calls someone he won’t equip. He doesn’t call the equipped but equips the called. Are you called to do something great for God today? Are you touched by the angel of purpose? The nudging of eternal Spirit. Are you being led into greatness today? Even though you have messed up and feel, unworthy- he is worthy enough and calls us his friend and exercises that through his grace.

When God confirms our “Friend Request” and views our heavenly "Facebook" page, he doesn’t look at our “Past Photo Album” of sinful indulgences, prideful vanities or willing disobedience. The first thing he sees on our “Wall”- is Jesus. He knows then, that we are associated with the greatest “Group” ever, the best “Cause” ever, the biggest “Network” ever; labeled the children of God in that we belong to Him as a friend and as an heir; that association declares us as sanctified no matter what we do in our Fallen nature or in the form of works of our faith and love.
Let the Lord make you perfect today and love you unconditionally, and you; be willing to be loved. However, God is calling us as his own because of our association with Jesus, we are sanctified- we are made whole- we are made Holy- we are made righteous. God looks down and through the lens of "Agape" love, that is Jesus, we are accepted.