Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Who, Who, Who are you?

The guitar player/ songwriter, Pete Townshend wrote a song that became an International hit for the band, "The Who." The name of the song, "Who are you?"

In this world of labels, titles, and positions we often forget who we are and become something we never intended to be. Whether we loose our sense of adventure or confidence, something changes and it strips us of the core energy we had when we first set off on our own in this world full of distractions and illusions.  If  you have spent sometime around a recent college graduate, you know what I mean. Full of hope. Full of energy. Full of optimism and carefree-ness. Oh, to be 22 year old with no obligations, debt, or pressure to perform. Living for the next happy hour, the next down-town pub crawl or 3 day music fest- a dream, maybe?

Ten years pass and you are in a rut and routine of school drop-offs, bill cycles, and hoping that your spouse gives you a hall pass so that you can go see that band that was so cool a decade ago, as they make their farewell tour in the nearest big city. My, oh my,how things have changed! The dreams you once carried left in the coat closet next to the children's toys you plan to give away. The aspirations to travel the world, gone in many travels you make each week to soccer practice, dance classes and piano lessons for Tammy, Timmy and Tommy. Remember when you wanted to climb a mountain, run a marathon or scuba-dive, all deprived by sleep apnea and the 40 pounds of baby weight(the weight you gain when your wife is pregnant but stays on you while hers is gone in 4 months), Are you depressed yet?

My encouragement is don't be depressed! Yes, life changes and time gets parceled out differently as we age but don't loose the fire, the tenacity, the moxy, the chutzpah- it's what keeps us who we are! My mom always says this: "remember who you are and whose you are!" Meaning that I'm Matthew Butter(don't try to be anyone else) and that I am a child of God(you are favored, protected and set apart).

No matter who you are, God loves you and has a great plan for your life.What ever noble ambitions and amazing talents lay dormant in your spirit today, maybe it's time to dust them off and rekindle who you really are and who you were really born to be. Remember, Moses was 80 when he led the Israelites out of the desert, Nelson Mandela was 75 when he became President of South may not happen overnight and overnight successes rarely last but the one who persists to the end will find success greater than any one accomplishment, title or position.

Enjoy the music and have a great day!

The Who perform Who Are You?