Monday, January 12, 2015

Chapter 6: Last Supper

Chapter 6:  Last Supper
She had gotten the dishes out. She had cleaned the house already. The meal was almost complete. She lit the candles on the table where her and her only son were about to consume their meal. Not just any meal, this was to be their last meal. Reminiscent of Jesus’ last supper with His disciples, she too was preparing for death. The coffers were empty, the pantry was bare, their 401k had run out and all that was left was a little oil and grain to make a cake of morbidity. It was going to be the last taste of earthly things….until...until a man appeared at the door. Not just any man, but a prophet of Yahweh. And just like most men, he was hungry. “A way to man’s heart is through his stomach” they say, the “they” being men, I’m sure. Here was a hungry man on a mission for God and he asked for this widow’s last meal. Being that she was a widow was even more proof that the woman was poor as it was usually one’s husband who provided for the household, very rare to have a dual-income family in that time. This prophet, Elijah, was demanding their last meal be his meal.

Has God asked something of you lately? Something that is a sacrifice? Above and beyond? Maybe a charitable gift or offering where you were using that last $200 in your Wells Fargo account to pay the electric bill or buy groceries and pray that it would last you until the 15th of the month? Did God ask that you give that in addition to what you had already given to your church?
I have a friend who has been out of work for 4 months. He has a pretty nice single life; 2400 square foot house, 2 cars, freedom of time and several nice things. He had a built up a fine lifestyle in his good income earning era, yet hit a rough spot in the last year. I feel for my friend, but I also know that he is trying to maintain a lifestyle that isn’t sustainable without any cash flow. Therefore, I challenged him to put his house for sale, give away a portion of his possessions or sell them and give the money to his church. Not just any possessions but the ones that were actually worth something to him and then see what happens. In my experience, I have learned that you cannot out give God and often times He is looking for us not only to give Him lip service when giving all our worries and problems to Him, but He is wanting our full commitment. He doesn’t want us to simply get our toes wet, but jump into the pool of His abundance head first. But in order to have that type of abandon, we must shed those things that hinder us from experiencing the abundance He has available. Those things could be physical possessions such as houses, boats, cars, clothes, CDs, furniture, etc... Those things could be habits and addictions that keep us from experiencing God’s best. Those things could be un-forgiveness, doubt, worry or fear. “Let us cast off all that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles so that we may run the race with perseverance.” Paul is calling us to run light. The Olympics were just on and what a spectacle to see all these amazing athletes compete in so many great events. 100 m Sprint, 200m Butterfly, Beach Volleyball, 4X400 relay…so many athletes, so much talent! Have you ever noticed how little a sprinter wears? They have thin, body tight leotards or shorts and a tank top. Their shoes are super light too! The reason? As you might expect, to make them run faster and finish the race quicker than anyone else. The same is true in our daily lives, but too many times we hold on to the past, we hold on to our stuff, we hold on to our broken relationships, we hold on to hurt, we hold on to bad news, we hold on to everything but God. And all that holding entangles us so much so that we cannot run the race with perseverance but fall short time and time again and get disqualified because we didn’t cross the finish line. Sometimes it’s so hard to hold things with an open hand, because we are so used to clinging to our possessions or relationships so tightly. The Bible says “The world and all that’s in it will pass away but the word of the God shall never pass away.”  We must hold things in our palms... with open hands. Stuff will never satisfy but leave us empty and burdened. God doesn’t want us to be burdened. 
When we give God our stuff, He uses it for His Glory and then replaces what He used with abundance. If you read the rest of the story, the widow’s oil never ran out and kept filling up every jar, pot, pan, Tupperware and vase in the house. God took her gift and multiplied it, many times over. The fact is that later on, her son did die but guess who helped raise him to life, Elijah.

Has God brought an Elijah into your life? Someone you can help and bless? You can be the instrument of God’s work, if you allow sacrifice to enter your daily motif. Nothing is impossible for those who believe in the supernatural work of God. It may not be a prophet who needs a meal, but a minister that needs encouragement, a pastor who needs prayer, a social worker who needs resources, a college student who needs supplies…..and this brings me to a personal story. Right before I went off to my freshman year at Baylor University, a sweet woman from my church, Dea, who I believe to be an amazing woman of faith, took care of a poor minister’s son. Out of the blue, Dea told me that she would pick me up one day and take me shopping for my college school supplies. We went aisle by aisle and picked out the necessary things needed. Honestly, I didn’t know all that I needed but she had a son and daughter start college a few years before so she was able to provide guidance. I think the total was $170 something dollars, nothing crazy, but that little amount did so much to show me the love of God and the love of His people. He is looking for men and women like Dea, who love Him and who are led by Him. I pray that we all can learn these women of faith, from the widow who gave her last meal to a woman who gave her lasting impression.