Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thankful for #DuckDynasty

I just became a Facebook Fan of the new show, Duck Dynasty. Am I a duck hunter? No. Do I own camo? No. Do I have a beard or live in the woods? I have a go tee, and I don't live in the woods. So, why you ask am I am fan of Duck Dynasty, the new reality show on A&E. Simple, three F's.... Family, Funny and Faith. They are family oriented and run a business and their lives around traditional marriage and mothering/fathering kids in a good way. Do they get it right all the time? Probably not, but does anyone? At the least, they try to establish good morals and work ethics in their children, which is most definitely needed in our culture today. Family is a huge part of why I watch.

Funny, these characters crack me up with their antics, sarcasm and downright hilarious honesty. From Jase's observant and ever-so-slight dry humor to Uncle Si's shoot-from-the-hip remarks; their humor refreshes my smile after a long stressful day at work. CEO Willie's confident aire and his light-hearted sibling rivalry with Jep and Jase are prescriptive doses of relief in a world, where comedy is more crude than comforting. Get ready for barrel laughs of fun with this crew, I guarantee you will be entertained!

Lastly, Faith. As much as this clan disagrees with each other and argues; they come together at the end of the show at the Duck Commander's (Willie's dad, Phil) house to have dinner and they open in prayer, thanking God for all they have been given and the Patriarch closes with this, "Lord, help us to love each other more and love you more each and everyday. Amen"  What an awesome prayer! Is this family perfect? No.  Do they have issues? Yes. We all have issues, but that they would come together and give thanks, asking the Lord to help them love more is something we can all learn from no matter if you paint ducks, raise ducks or shoot ducks.

If you want to see their recent appearance on The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno, go to the links below↓

Duck Dynasty on Leno Part 1
Duck Dynasty on Leno Part 2

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat some Turkey for me or maybe Duck, depending on your Dynasty! :)

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