Friday, April 3, 2015

Hope is a Red Bird

                               My mother's kitchen is full of them. They are painted on wood. Molded from plaster. Printed on paper. All of them beautiful, and yet all of them unique. They are red birds, Cardinals to some, but I like to say red birds. For my mother, red birds are a symbol of hope. I wasn't quite sure how the two worked together, but I'm beginning to understand. You see, if you think about it, many people see red birds in the winter because they are, well, red. And the landscape outside, is not. It's dark, not much sunlight and in some places, a lot of snow. Therefore, a bright red, red bird will stick out. It's almost as if God is saying, "Don't worry about the cold, don't worry about the darkness, Spring is around the corner. Hope is around the corner!" This brings me to a story about this past winter. I was asked to be in a musical at my church called "I'll be Home for Christmas." I played the part of a geeky, love-struck mailman, Danny, who delivers packages to a family who has been greatly impacted by WWII. Most of my lines were silly and goofy which was ironic because I was not feeling that way in real life. You see, during the time of rehearsals for this musical, I had made a tough decision to leave my corporate job without any prospects for another one. It was kind of dark time, being that it was winter and I was not making the salary I needed to provide for my family. However, every time I would go to practice for my musical, the theme song would play. "Hope is just around the corner. Joy is knocking at your door...." Over and over again. This was a constant reminder that God was looking out for me and that He had a plan in mind.

                             In one particular scene, I was to deliver a Bible to the girl in the play, Angie, for whom my character had a crush, a love interest. One of my fellow actors was providing me with props to use and she had found a box and a Bible for me to use in this scene. She hadn't put the brown paper around the box yet, needing to convey it was a delivery. When I opened the lid, there was a Bible and then I looked at the lid again. There was a red bird on the cover and just then I thought about my mother. Hope. Then, while I was reflecting and waiting for my next scene, looking at the red bird lid and the Bible(pictured below), the choir started singing the refrain "Hope is just around the corner, Joy is knocking at your door..." God has the perfect timing and it was definitely what I needed to hear that day as I waited for what was around the corner.

                    Most days, we are all waiting for what is around the next corner, we all want to experience the next big thing and get out of the tough spot we feel trapped in. It may be a loss of job which does not only equate to a lack of income but also to having a sense of worth and being productive member society as well as being surrounded by people. Not having a job or a goal or something you are working toward can really affect someone, it affected me. In all this, God was faithful and God provided (Jehovah Jireh). For others, it could be a loss of a loved one or sickness or disease. The road seems long and curvy and no end in sight, no light at the end of the tunnel. You could be struggling right now, not believing that there is something around the corner or that God is with you, but I'm here to tell you, there is something around the corner and God is with you. Jesus is called Immanuel, God with us. It wasn't just 2000 years in a manger that He was with us, He is with us now! He is always here, holding us, helping us, hoping with us.  Don't give up! Winston Churchill said this in a great speech to rally his country and the allied forces during WWII, "Never, Never, Never Give up!" We don't know what is around the next corner, but we know who will be there with us, Jesus. Immanuel. God with us.

                    Every time I see a red bird, I think of my mom. I think of hope. I sing the refrain from my musical, I'll be Home for Christmas. Even though I was in a dark spot, I had hope. Do you know that the disciples were in dark spot once? They had seen their master, their Rabbi raise others from the dead, feed the multitudes, preach that the "Kingdom of Heaven is near.." and yet they were stricken with fear when they saw Jesus taken away, out of the garden of peace, into the field of death. They all deserted him, Peter denied him 3 times, one guy even high-tailed it out of there in his "Birthday Suit!" So afraid, he left his clothes on the ground!

                        It reminds me of this house party I went to in college.. There was drinking, a lot of underage drinking, sponsored by a fraternity, a drinking faternity. Loud music, people dancing, having a good time, talking hanging out, meeting girls. I remember being in the backyard talking with some of the members of the band I was managing at the time, we had returned that day from a gig the night before. Suddenly, I saw people heading toward the back of the fence and then jumping over. Others were fleeing from the side fences into the neighbors yards. Then I heard someone say, "The cops are here, the cops are here." Apparently, there was a "disturbing the peace" complaint and they were called in to break up the disturbance. Nothing crazy was going on, but it was loud and it was late, people wanted to sleep. I remember not jumping the fence, I remember walking right back through the house and down the sidewalk to my friends house a few blocks away.  I was of the appropriate age. However, others were not of  age and they got caught. But everywhere you looked, you saw college kids escaping, trying to get away from the authority. This is the scene I imagine when I think about what happened in the Garden of Gethsemane. Disciples and other followers of Christ were out of there in a hurry. At my employer before last, we had an expression for people who got fired. It was slang and it was rude. If it was a girl, we would say "She Gone." A guy, "He gone." In this case everyone had left and so you could say "They gone." There Jesus stood, friends and disciples, gone. The only disciple that was left was His betrayer, Judas. Everyone else there were His enemies. Not only were the disciples in a dark spot, Jesus was too. People who had left their families, their farms, their nets, their jobs....all disappeared. The ones who promised to always be there and follow Him to the grave, ran away in fear of grave danger. If I was honest, I'm not sure if I would have stuck around. I might not have casually walked away like my house party experience. I may have been jumping the fence too! You have to understand, their whole world and what they had staked their lives and livelihood for was now being arrested. As they were sprinting down the sloping rocky hill, sweating and panting, I'm sure they must have been thinking....What does this mean for me?  I guess the Kingdom of Heaven is not coming after all. What about all those promises, Jesus? What about mansions? What about the angels? What about Divine Power? How can you let them take you away? How can you leave us? Why can't you save yourself, you saved others? Questions. Fear. Frustration. Darkness.

It's funny how we define life by one day. I mean you can have a really good day and be on top of the world. You have a really bad day, struggling to make it through and you think the world has ended. The disciples thought their world had ended, but it had only just begun. You see the darkness only last a little while, a few days. Hope was around the corner. It was around the corner of a hill called Calvary, where our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ died on a criminal's cross as a innocent man to save guilty criminals like you and me. Our crimes, there are against God, not following His ways. Not having enough faith. Not trusting. Breaking the commandments. Being born into a sinful world. Having sin already in us. You see we were born with a sinful nature in our blood. Yet, His blood was pure and it washed our sins as white a snow. Where are the red birds most red? In snow. When you see a red bird, think of hope. When you see a red bird, think of blood. Think of Jesus, He traded our past, our mistakes, our unfaithfulness, our guilt, our criminal sentence for hope. We should have died, but He did instead. Grace. Love. Hope. Think of Good Friday, it was good because God is good and because God is good, He gave good. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."  Jesus said in the very next verse..."I have not come to codemn the world but to save it." The Apostle Paul says, "There is no condemnation in Christ!" The world wants to condemn us, but God only wants to save us. We only have to acknowledge we need saving and believe in Him. Hope is always around the corner because hope has always been. The only true hope for our broken lives, is Jesus. He is the hope of the world. He is the hope for today. He is the hope of  yesterday. He is the hope of tomorrow. May the love of Jesus Christ be in your heart today. Amen.